Department of Orthopaedic Surgery

Shoulder and Elbow



Christopher C. Schmidt, MD

Director of Shoulder & Elbow Fellowship
Co-Director Shoulder and Elbow Mechanics Laboratory

Dean G. Sotereanos, MD

Co-Director of Shoulder & Elbow Fellowship
Neer Circle Member of the American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons

Albert Lin, MD

Program Director, Orthopaedic Surgery Residency Program
Co-Director, Pittsburgh Shoulder Institute


The University of Pittsburgh Shoulder and Elbow Fellowship is designed to provide a thorough understanding of shoulder and elbow anatomy and pathologic conditions; it is also designed to teach the latest techniques in open, arthroscopic, and endoscopic surgery. The fellow will share rotation time at UPMC with Drs. Schmidt and Sotereanos and is projected to be involved in extensive caseloads. The caseloads will include innovative surgeries like arthroscopic muscle transfers, revision total shoulder arthroplasties, arthroscopic and open elbow releases, and endoscopic and open distal biceps repairs. On a weekly basis, the fellow will also rotate with Dr. Lin, who will emphasize the sports medicine side of shoulder and elbow pathology. Over the 12-month fellowship-training period, experience and responsibility are gradually increased and by the end of the program each fellow is comfortable and competent in all areas of shoulder, elbow, and microsurgical techniques.


The twelve-month program is divided by block scheduling between one of the attending shoulder surgeons. During the rotation, the fellow will interact with patients, residents, and fellows from other programs. The fellow will have teaching opportunities in the operating room and within the clinic. When the physician(s) has operative cases scheduled, the fellow will assist the attending surgeon with the surgical procedure that was discussed and scheduled while the patient was in the office.


The educational curriculum consists of weekly shoulder and elbow conferences, combined UPMC sports/shoulder and elbow conferences, bi-weekly cadaveric wet laboratories (scope equipment), weekly research conferences, monthly journal clubs, and bi-monthly mortality and morbidity conferences. The curriculum is intended to provide the fellow an opportunity to develop a solid knowledge base and skillset on which to start his/her career.

The wet lab is integrated in the same space as our state-of-the-art engineering facility, which houses both our shoulder and elbow simulators. The lab is designed to help master the surgical skills needed to perform quality surgery. The fellow will be strongly encouraged to participate in ongoing cadaveric/mechanical/radiographic studies investigating the distal biceps tendon, rotator cable/capsule, reverse shoulder arthroplasty, and more. Integration of the shoulder fellow with graduate engineering students and radiologists will help foster their understanding of the importance and power of cooperative interdisciplinary research. The fellow will be given dedicated time to practice their surgical skills and to perform valuable research.

The program director and faculty are committed to scientific inquiry and scholarly pursuit and strive to foster a nurturing environment. The fellows in the program are given the opportunity to engage in scientific investigation.

Upon completion of their training, the fellow will have demonstrated sufficient professional ability to practice competently and independently in the field of Shoulder and Elbow surgery.

Application Process for the Shoulder and Elbow Surgery Fellowship

Our fellowship has met the ASES’s quality standard requirements and as such will be participating in the 2024-2025 Orthopaedic Shoulder & Elbow Match. Applicants are required to complete the Central Application Service (CAS) through the San Francisco Matching Program. 

The application deadline and interview dates are to be determined.