Department of Orthopaedic Surgery

The PIVOT Study Group held a meeting in Kobe, Japan

The PIVOT Study Group held a meeting in Kobe, Japan, on January 29-30, 2016.

The International PIVOT study group was formed in 2012 (Prospective International Validation of Outcome Technology). The PIVOT study group consists of surgeons and scientists from the Rizzoli Institute in Bologna, Italy, Kobe University in Kobe, Japan, Sahlgrenska University in Gothenburg, Sweden, and the University of Pittsburgh in Pittsburgh, PA, USA.

The goal of the PIVOT study group is validating of the pivot shift test for anterior cruciate ligament tears through development and application of quantitative pivot shift technology (triaxial accelerometer (Rizzoli) and iPad technology (Pitt) in patients. The PIVOT study is funded by an ISAKOS/OREF research grant since 2012.