Department of Orthopaedic Surgery

Steve Canton Receives the 2021 H.H. Sankey Award

Congratulations to incoming intern, Dr. Steve Canton, on receiving the 2021 H.H. Sankey Award.  

Dr. Richard Ray (Pitt Ortho class of 74) was the first recipient of the H.H. Sankey Award in 1969. The 2021 winner is Dr. Steve Canton, pictured with Dr. Mac Hogan (Pitt Ortho Program Director) on May 20, 2021. Dr. Canton will start his ortho residency in our program.

Harold Henderson Sankey, M.D., for whom the Sankey Award is named, was one of the earliest Orthopedic Surgeons to practice in Pittsburgh.  In response to the growing poliomyelitis epidemic of the early 20th century, each county in Pennsylvania had its own Children’s Clinic. Dr. Sankey ran a clinic northeast of the city, and referred many patients to Pittsburgh's Children's Hospital. Dr. Sankey enjoyed working with the residents at Pitt and was passionate about education, and his students welcomed his lessons and insights. The H.H. Sankey Award has continued for over 50 years as a testament to his interest in and commitment to orthopedic education.