Department of Orthopaedic Surgery

PittOrtho and UPMC Host Nth Dimensions Bioskills Program

On Saturday, April 13, UPMC and PittOrtho were proud to host Nth Dimensions, a non-profit organization whose goal is to eliminate healthcare disparities in all communities by diversifying the physician workforce. The Dermatology and Orthopaedic Surgery Bioskills Workshop for Undergraduate and Medical school students was about 2-3 hours long and exposed students to hands-on clinical and surgical lab skills. The sessions included a short talk by Nth Dimensions Executive Director, Letitia Bradford, MD, FAAOS, FACS and William A.J. Ross, Jr., MD, FAAOS, Director of Clinical Education.

Thank you to Nth Dimensions, Stryker, and to all alumni and volunteers who came out to make this day possible.