Department of Orthopaedic Surgery

Dr. Kurt Weiss and MSK Oncology Lab Published in Oncogene

One-third of pediatric patients with osteosarcoma (OS) develop lung metastases (LM). While current treatments of patients with localized bone disease have been successful in producing 5-year survival rates of 65–70%, patients with LM experience poor survival rates of only 19–30%. Unacceptably, this situation has remained unchanged for 30 years. Dr. Kurt Weiss and his Musculoskeletal Oncology Laboratory (MOL) are working to change that and offer hope to young patients and their families. In their study, identification of AR pathway upregulation in human LM tissue samples may provide a target for novel therapeutics for patients with LM resistant to conventional chemotherapy.

Check out the full paper, published in Oncogene (IF 8.8), this month here.