Department of Orthopaedic Surgery

Congrats to Steve Canton, Bill Anderst, and the TEAM!

Collaboration between Drs. William Anderst and MaCalus V. Hogan and the Biodynamics Lab and Foot and Ankle Injury Research [F.A.I.R.] group produces first-of-its-kind publication on syndesmosis fixation featured in the October 2021 print issue of the Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery (JBJS).

This study provides the first in vivo evidence of post-fixation changes in biomechanics after ankle syndesmosis repair. The findings suggest that syndesmosis repair fails to restore healthy static and dynamic distal tibiofibular function. These results serve as a foundation for further longitudinal research to determine if the altered kinematics persist over time, correspond with patient-reported outcomes and long-term health, and how this is affected by fixation type (rigid screw, tightrope, and hybrid fixations).

Link to print article